Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week 7 Haze

Original Post from 2014

I love my girl, she is just awesome, but time keeps accelerating forward and I seem to get nothing substantial accomplished.  I feed her - which often consists of sitting in akward positions for ten to twenty minutes, no matter how comfortable I try to be.  I put pillows on my lap to raise her up, but over time the pillow smooshes down and then I push my knees up by extending my feet on tipped toe, which has to stay there...  I can't recline back because she does not stay latched on that way at all yet, so I sit on the edge of the chair, bed, couch either upright or worse, slightly stooped forward.

I pump and freeze milk.  This is a process.  If I'm not lazy, I get out the bra thingy that holds the pump things to me so I am "hands free" and can surf Facebook on my phone.  If I'm lazy, I just hold it on because the bra thing is a hassle and takes an extra three minutes.  I freeze the milk for later and always have some in the fridge ready to go.  I keep up with the laundry and dishes.

Mainly, though, I try to sleep.  It's a haze.  Suddenly it's Monday.  Suddenly it's Friday.  Hm, I know in between I never did get actually rested.  I went on two forced walks when I was too tired to enjoy it, I took 24 cute videos of Koral with my phone and uploaded 5 of them, I watched loads of crappy t.v. while pumping and feeding her and I continuously attempted to sleep.  Sometimes it works.  Yesterday noon, Koral and I both slept for 3.5 hours without waking.  It was sheer bliss.  We still went to bed on time.  But I only got 3 hours of sleep in the night.  She is just a little high maintenance.  The girl loves to be held.  She is just pissed to be put down.  When she wakes enough to realize she's not being held or is hungry, she rages.

Getting ready for a specific event in this haze takes a burst of energy reserve I will miss later.  I had two doctor appointments this week.  The dentist said my teeth are perfect and all the acid reflux of being pregnant did not hurt anything!  Yay - but it was a lot of work to get ready and go.  Just tired.  Think of that day you stayed out all night and still went to work in the morning.  It's a little like that feeling.

My favorite part is when she's just falling asleep and she's laying on my chest breathing near my neck making little satisfied sounds and I'm awake enough to enjoy it.  It's a great cuddle.  I look forward to the hopefully not-to-far-off days when she sleeps through the night.  The thought of sleeping for 8 hours makes me giddy.

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