Sunday, January 31, 2016

Six Weeks Old: Fussiness

Original Post from 2014

Last week we had an appointment with the pediatrician who verified that Koral would be at her "peak fussiness" this week due to a growth spurt.  Now at 9 lbs, she is SO much bigger and grown into 3-6 month old clothes in many brands.  She has been awake more often eating slowly, crying, and looking around.  When I'm very tired - mostly in the mornings - it can be difficult, but I am amazed at how much I like the experience even when she's crying.  Especially if I am rested.  I guess the feeling I'm expressing is that this parenthood thing is NOT like babysitting.

I had a fear even the week before Koral was born that I was in for eternal babysitting and what was I doing to my life?  It's not at all like that.  I've often heard from friends that when it's "your own kid" it's not even close to a chore.  I can see what they meant.  There are things you don't want to do, like waking up to feed or pump at 1 in the morning (like I'm doing right now) but it's all worth it because you have a warm fuzzy feeling for your little sweetheart and they somehow smell good and need you and fit in your busy life perfectly whether there was room for them or not.  I'm saying that it will be nice.  There is no need to panic.  People often say when you're pregnant, "Sleep now, your free time is over soon."  While the sleeping thing is kind of true, it's not as though you can bank sleeping time or even sleep at all when you're huge.  I wouldn't listen to this advice.  You will love free time with your baby in the picture.  You and baby can hang out.  He or she will sleep a lot, too.  Sleep when they do if you need too.  That one is solid advice.

I'm ready to begin exercising this week.  I haven't had my "all clear" from the doctor, but I feel ready.  They pushed my appointment back two more weeks and I can't wait that long.  I began with a two mile walk, then worked up to four miles the next day.  Yesterday I rested, and today I hope to set up the Wii!  Okay, done pumping, going back to bed.

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