Sunday, January 31, 2016

Postpartum Pride

Original post from 2014

One reality I knew I would have to deal with is still looking pregnant for a while.  I discussed this before Koral was born, but looking back after, here are my thoughts.

First, I remember seeing on the news last year after Kate Middleton had her baby this ridiculous news team analyzing a photo of Kate leaving the hospital with William and the baby.  Basically, the news team was saying how Kate was an inspiration and showing how it's okay to look "a bit pregnant" the day after giving birth.  I also heard it said on this crazy British show that she was princess material because she gave birth to a boy first, so clearly they are on royal cracker jacks and make no sense, but it shows how some cultures still think.

Well, I am packing a lot more weight than Kate - and I feel great!  I am healthy, happy, and so is Koral.  A postpartum uterus takes a full six weeks to shrink back down, and then there is some extra fat for sure, too.  I'm hoping breastfeeding will help this easily reduce over the next year, as well as healthy foods and exercise.  I don't care much about the stretch marks, just happy to be done with pregnancy for now.

I know some women love being pregnant.  I wasn't one of them.  I was happy about it for the sake of the outcome, which was MORE than worth it - but the acid reflux and back aches, nausea and headaches were terrible and I did not enjoy it.  Senthil is happy to see me return to a happy disposition, too.

This is a photo from only 4 days after giving birth.  Yes, this is normal.  I was still a little sleep deprived then, but also feeling very strong and proud to be on the road to something wonderful.  Since this photo, my tummy has definitely been getting smaller as things settle back into place.  Mainly, though, it just takes time.  Remember, you're not supposed to exercise other than light walking for six weeks, too, so even though I want to, I'm taking it easy and letting myself heal.


2 weeks postpartum:


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