Sunday, January 31, 2016

It's been a YEAR since my last post. Koral is 18 months!

I took quite a break from blogging, and also moved everything over from the old blog to this better interface on Blogger - so hopefully things will finally be in chronological order and dated from here on out!

Koral is now a beautiful 18 month old - in a nutshell, after the last post last year, I gradually became a full-time stay at home mom and have really loved caring for Koral.  Daycare became scary for us as I ended up finding Koral there crying in a pool of her own snot while the teachers ignored her, and that was the last day she attended.  After, we went to India for 3 months as Koral was 6 months to 9 months - we mainly stayed inside and played during this time due to heat, but would go on early morning or late evening stroller walks and made some local friends and had a good time.

Afterward, we returned home for the summer in the states at our townhouse rental -- but went to Iowa to have her 1st birthday party with my family, which was awesome.

Following, we enjoyed fall here at home whilst I joined a local Mom's Club group that has been awesome for friends, socialization, and support - we are able to get out nearly every day for an activity and play.  We attended lots of fall festivities and in general had a great time!

In November, we took another short trip to India but it was really an awful stay due to city flooding and power outages, bad food and constant humidity and rain.  We were happy to get home!  Then a quick week to Iowa for a snowy fun Christmas with my family, and back home!

Koral now loves climbing more than ever, and is very good with balance.  She doesn't say any words at all yet - stopped saying "Mama" after she learned to walk at 7-8 months.  However, she lets us know what she wants very very well.  Right now she's sitting at her little craft table coloring with markers - another favorite!

My big news other than my favorite girl in the world is that we are expecting a baby boy in 3 months - and so I have decided it's time to start logging our lives again other than Facebook posts.  This time around, I feel so much more capable.  I feel ready, know what to expect, and we are planning to have our baby, Ocean, at the midwife center in town.  It's really lovely and I have heard great reviews, so this time around, hopefully no hospital or belly band.  I'm sure I will write all about the experience when we get there.  Below are photos from our walk today.

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