Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Updated: Week 39 Doctor Appointment Day

(Originally Posted July 2014)

This has been a rough week.  Monday, after the night of contractions, I got up and went to the office to collect my things to work from home.  I was doing great for about four hours, and crashed from exhaustion.  Tuesday I had no motivation - I was just feeling blue and very tired.  Wednesday morning was the same.  Finally, Wednesday afternoon I perked up and felt like cleaning.  When things are getting a bit messy, this is typical of me to want to neaten up.  Senthil had been extra busy with HealthPlotter (his start-up company), which has had an important week, and I really wanted to help so despite the arrangement we've had since I've gotten pretty huge, I did the dishes and took out the trash.  I've been doing laundry throughout pregnancy and most other things have been okay.  This really helped Senthil's stress level for the night and we even got to slowly walk to the dog park and back (2 miles total) in the late evening.  My lower back was affected by this, but it felt pretty good to get out and I was careful to go slow.

The other nice thing we accomplished today was the carseats.  We took in the Sentra to get a detailed cleaning before installing the bases.  Well, we also found out why parents have been driven to buy SUVs!  While I am fine having a child in a smaller car, the car seat itself placed behind the seat does not allow the adult in the front seat to have any leg room.  First I put it behind the driver's seat, but Senthil couldn't fit in there to drive long-distance at all.  So I moved it to the passenger side back...well, I guess the passenger parent will just be cramped.  The other base has not been installed in the other car yet, but we know how now thanks to YouTube.  Strollers and diaper bags and emergency kits are in the trunks, and we're in okay shape.

We still need:

It seems incredible there is still something we have not bought.  However, we still need the back window mirror to see Koral (since she has to face backwards, which I hate), Window shades for the back to keep the sun off of her, a baby monitor, a dishwasher basket for bottle parts, a bottle brush for cleaning bottles, and possibly a radio with lullabies.  I'm not sure how music is done today.  Senthil and I don't play a ton of music, and don't have iPods anymore.  We're researching whether to get an iPod and radio-speaker base, or CDs, or if there is a radio that you can download music directly to.  We're a little late on that since I was supposed to figure out a song list for birthing to help me through labor and haven't done that.

Tomorrow is the week 39 appointment.  I have to get back up in two hours for an early morning business meeting, but at my 3:30 bathroom break I was hungry.  Something they don't tell you is 1.) Acid reflux is one of the worst parts of pregnancy, keeping you from laying down and making you belch up acidic gas that burns your mouth frequently and 2.) You will pee every two hours no matter how much you drink, and it's really hard flipping over to crawl out of bed with that tummy!  After meeting an investor to our co-working space at 8:00, we're driving to Greenville for the appointment at 9:30, which will probably take a while since lately they are short-staffed.  This will determine how dilated I am possibly.

Well, that's the update!  8 days to go!  

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