Sunday, August 7, 2016

Ocean is 3 months - Koral turned 2

This has been some of the happiest times in my life, and also the saddest.  We moved to this beautiful home - I know how blessed we are to have what we have, to be healthy, to have our amazing children - Ocean is catching up so fast - he's been rolling in both directions, always eager to stand up when you help him, so smiley and babbling - just all around a great infant and growing so fast he will catch up to his sister in no time.

But everyone has their struggles.  I didn't want to post anything, but they are not going away.  I will say this - it is much harder to be cheerful with a moody person around than without them.  It is much harder to feel good about a hard day's work when someone that won't help sits nearby.  It is heartbreaking when your life partner finds it painfully annoying to care for his own children while you run to the grocery store.  I know I am blessed in many ways and he is quite a hard worker with business.  But I will say that.

On to better things - Koral is loving dancing and we play Pandora music and dance in wild circles, leaps, and spins!  Hoping to get Senthil to help me take the TV off the wall and get the Wii set up so we can do dance with that.

Ocean has been scooting across the floor slowly for a while now with those long, tiny little rabbit feet of his, but now he just chews his hands and looks around.  He's quite bright!

I'm a little too sad to write much more right now.  Love them.  They are the best.

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