Saturday, April 23, 2016

39 Weeks already! Waiting for Ocean to make his move!

4:06 a.m. - 
Week 39, Day 2.  It's been a great few weeks with Koral and playing with her, minus a strange 5 days with lots of pain when I had to rest it out during the 36th week.  My sister Sheila actually was able to visit during that time and it was a huge help - and she took these beautiful pictures of Koral and I at the Arboretum in town here.  It's been unseasonably cool this spring - sometimes too cold! - but I know I'm lucky since I usually feel warm.  My to-do list is pretty much done, and I'm just waiting for this baby boy to make his move.  It's a bit cruel at the end for the mother, because I know I need rest and sleep, but can't seem to manage more than 4 hours at a time.  I definitely nap with Koral in the day whenever possible!  But every night I'm up.

My birth plan/hope is that I go into labor soon - that Koral can stay with my dad here at the house (he's arriving tomorrow!  Yay!) and that she will be comfortable in the familiar setting even if I'm gone for a day (we've never been apart that long...).  I envision it happening like last time, laboring at home for a bit, then calling the midwife, Linda, when I know it's the real thing, and going to meet her at the birth center to labor for the last few hours in their bathtub/room.  Senthil can bring is computer to work or sleep while that is happening - it gets boring for the other person, hours long.  I'm considering bringing a book myself for in between contractions.  But the best is just if you can nap while it's going on until close to the end.  Then he will be real - I hope, if all goes well - and I'll be exhausted for like 3 years.  No, seriously, probably true.  Between Koral and him, I don't think my down time will be much for quite some time.  This here is a very busy phase of life.  It's a great one - so much joy and firsts and beauty in it - but soooooo much work.  Nursing again - Koral stopped in December and it's been wonderful.  Interrupted sleep again - waking up for every tiny noise, even imaginary ones.  Phantom cries every time I'm in the shower.  All that.  And any hope that they nap at the same time is a dim one.  So I know what I'm getting into.  But I'm excited and I never wanted just one child, really.  If I had only one, Koral is the best of the best.  She's my little wonderful peace of heaven.  I love her more than imaginable - I can't even describe it.  

Even lately when she loves to be chased and I scoop up her little 18 pound self and she holds onto my arm like a tiny baby monkey and giggles I just bubble with how lucky I am to know this little bit of wonderful.  She's so fun-loving and creative now - arranging items in the house in new ways, building strange and interesting towers with all kinds of items, sticking things in blobs of play dough and hoping I never move the sculpture so that the play dough gets dry but I don't even care because she's so proud of her work and so insulted if she catches me taking it down.  She's starting to speak more this week - new words are Woah-woah for Milo, "Three" for counting and hoping to be chased, and continues to day "eye" when pointing to someone's eye.  Her interest in books has naturally returned after a long hiatus - she now loves to point at each thing and have me say what it is on each page.  When I'm in the shower, she flips through her books now.  She's getting longer hair in lovely curls that are darling.  At the park she can easily climb the ladders and has finally developed a bit of fear for the slides - finally wanting to be caught at the bottom or hold my finger on the way down.  She really has no idea a baby is coming. However, I have told her "No touch" to the baby swing in the living room that used to be full of toys. She didn't like it, but has not touched it since both Senthil and I have said "no touch" about it.  She throws a little fit of frustration and then it's accepted.  

Anyway - love my girl - and here's to hoping this little boy decides to make an appearance soon!  I'm ready.  Let's do this.  

Also, the house is almost ready for us - moving at the end of may in four weeks!  Starting to look forward to that, too!  

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